Saturday, September 08, 2007

The case of the Flying Kitty

Ms Akira or Kira-Kira as we call her these days, lying in wait for Megat, who was minding his business under the table. She was growling very softly and I'm sure Megat heard her as he tried to streak off into the bedroom but NOT before Kira2 had pounced on him with a blood-screaming yell! She landed a little short. Grandma was too shocked to react and I was too far away to catch her to put her in her cage for time-out. By the time I got to her, it was about 1 or 2 minutes after her attempt at scaring Megat so it would not be all that useful to quarantine her then.
Megat escaped to the bedroom very narrowly. I went to see if he was okay and as he was quite okay on the bed I left him alone to rest.


  1. Hello!
    I love your blog! very interesting and I love cats! You cats are so cute cute cute... they can even walk on harnesses, very good leh. Can I link you on my blog?

  2. Dear Yu Yan

    Sure thing. I am glad you liked this blog and my cats. I am sorry about MaoMao but your tattoo as you said makes the both of you one :)

  3. Miss Akira still looks pong pong from the fight. Why ah, Miss Akira, why fight with Megat!!
