Saturday, September 15, 2007

Amigos 'Cats in' series - Cats in Cupboard #003

Ya, didn't I tell you huh?

Ok, you sniff that..didn't I tell you? No worries. I be the look-out kitty..

Ok...are you all set?

Bujang got into the action. He had been watching the goings-on when Toro got in, then Akira did it and of course Megat had been doing this eversince he came. He took a sniff and then decided that it was all sound and fury with very little substance :)


  1. What is the universal attraction of wardrobe to cats??? Hat and Spencer will jump into the wardrobe in a flash.

    What was Bujang looking for anyway?

  2. Nothing lah. He is just kaypo. Akira would be looking for sanctuary, Toro - for his da Bird, megat - well he is just looking for a hiding place. Bujang - he just wants to look see :)
