Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The cats who came to dinner...

Taoist prayers followed our journey to dinner this Tuesday...

FatBoy has to eat on a piece of newspaper as he is wont to drag his food out of the bowl onto the floor...

After her dinner, Putih looked on curiously at an infrequent visitor...

who ate hungrily...

Putih was curious yet wary...

MC actually growled at her after dinner. I had to 'shhh' MC so Putih would not be frightened. MC scooted off but Putih remained looking after her as she disappeared.

FatBoy and Big Casanova had a bit of a staring match. FatBoy was ready for anything to happen as evidenced by his flattened ears. But Big Casanova merely wanted to show who was BOSS. He sprayed onto the pillars at the void deck and then lay lazily looking at FatBoy!

Big Casanova's looking quite relaxed and staring at FatBoy.

Cal hiding between cars for security as both Big Casanova and FatBoy were around. She came to dinner early this time. :)

Minah ate very late today as she was not around when I came down to feed the wildbunch. She waited patiently and then yelled when she saw me coming home :) She ate some salmon dinner and some fussiecat before she stretched luxuriously and went off.
Everyone came to dinner.
Everyone was safe and sound.
It was a good day for the wildbunch.

1 comment:

  1. BigCasanova is very handsome.

    The rest of the WildBunch looks very fluffy and well
