Saturday, July 07, 2007

WildBunch news

The wedding preprations at the void deck...

Minah eating near the carpark because of the festvities...

Mysterious Calico (MC) eating fussiecat...

Putih neatly eating fussiecat...

Mysterious feeder's contibution to Putih's dinner....

The Screamer's pile of leaves...

Cal who finally came to dinner...

I have not seen The Screamer for two days now. I do not know where he has gone to or if he is still safe and sound terrorising the neighbourhood. I brought the squirt bottle with me 2 days in a row, although cat_aunty had advised The Supersoaker:) That would be a good investment no doubt about it!
But I am glad to see Cal again. It crossed my mind to call ST to ask him to call the TC but I remembered cat-aunty's brood always coming back after a few days absence so I thought I should just wait. I know she doesn't like Big Casanova who came to dinner and of cos The Screamer was just too much for such a steady kitty.
FatBoy gets hungry earlier and earlier these days. I wonder if the aunty feeds him before she leaves for work. :( He looks for me at my void deck and Minah hates it when he does that. He is eating again although yesterday he was rather jumpy for reasons best known to himself. I also fed MC who I found infront of the provision shop sitting with Big Casanova. Both of them are unneutered and they seem very friendly with each other! I fear some kittens might be in the offing and MC does not trust me all that much still so I can't catch her for spaying just yet.
Putih was very hungry despite the mysterious feeder's contibution of a blob of cat food on the 'seat'. She ate only a bit and left the whole block of fish unnotouched. Thank goodness there were no ants etc when I came by. I cleaned up after the messy feeder as no other cat would eat it, not even Big Casanova!
Finally Minah deigned to eat some fussiecat - a whole 80g can! She must be really hungry. I had to feed her near the carpark as the void deck was noisy with people preparing for the weekend wedding. I worry that they might be mean to her as they were busy preparing food- all manner of meats were in open plates. The only consolation I have is I do not think Minah eats raw meat as I remembered having to clean up a few bits of untouched raw meat from the void deck - a contibution from another feeder to Minah's dinner I guess.
All in all I am glad to see that all the members of the wildbunch are accounted for. :)

1 comment:

  1. The Wild Bunch looks stout and healthy. I don't think they will approach the wedding party, due to the lights and noises.

    From what I know, Malays tend to be more tolerant towards the kitties.
