Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday snooze at San's computer

There is nothing like having 3 cats sleeping around you when you're trying to do work for Monday. The printer has suddenly seized up but I am not going to do anything about it as it would mean me waking up all 3 of them and it is not often that all 3 would sleep so peacefully together at the same time and place. I would just have to save all the 6 docs and print them all at work when I reach there at 6.35 am!! But it is worth it as the 3 amigos are having a kodak moment together.

I have yet to figure out how to do those beautiful montages that I always see at cat_aunty's house. One of these days it will real..haha.

Now I have to go out and actually eat some lunch. I bought some nasi lemak from Tampines Interchange. I saw a whole bunch of people lining up for nasi lemak and then my hair dresser said that that is the famous Katong nasi lemak. So I bought two packets and the chilli for good measure. The vendors have stuck labels on the banana leaf certifying towards their authenticity. But I know once I am off this seat, the amigos would surely follow. I feel like Mother hen except I have felines for chicks. :))


  1. Oh dear..*blush*. I use Picassa. Maybe you want to play around with it too..?

  2. Ahh..manipulation at Picassa. I must try that :)
