Friday, April 21, 2006

Staking out the neighbourhood

Sidekick T taking over from Detective B the 2nd shift. The neighourhood looks ....

so different in the pm. All the ghosts of last night seemed to have disappeared. Sidekick T is confident that all is well with the neighbours. That is what he would write in his report later. For now, it's just good to watch the birds for a while.
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  1. Cats look so reflective when they are staring out of windows. I do wonder what they are thinking all the time.

  2. Possibly nothing. Mine all seem to be looking at the birds on the ledges or sometimes they look at other people's houses when they see some movement or someone swtches on the light. I think they all trying to make out the shapes. :) Or maybe they thinking of how to take over the planet. :))
