Saturday, October 05, 2024

Welcome back san

I made sure that I kept an eye on san today although I did fall asleep sometimes. Last Sunday san had a fall and hurt her head. She fainted and had to go to the Big Vet. She stayed a whole week and came back only yesterday. She told me the Big Vet said she should change positions slowly as she has postural hypotension. She told me it was not life threatening. I felt very afraid when I did t see her and thought she had abandoned us. But I knew she would never do that. She told Chris to talk to us about it and so I decided to watch over her closely. 



  1. I am sending BIG purrs for San to continue to do well and get better!
    Purrs Winnie

  2. Good Heavens. I was worried that something had happened since it was so long since the last post. Please be careful, San. Even if your condition isn't life threatening, another fall could be. Careful!

  3. We're sending lots of purrs and prayers for San to get better real soon!
