Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Akira at the vet

It's time for everyone's half yearly medical check ups since everyone in the house has some medical issues.  Akira has been very well apart from the overgrooming issues and last year she had elevated amylase indicators. The vet said it was not something to be worried about in a cat if in isolation. 

Yesterday though the news was not good for Ms Akira. Her amylase had continued to rise coupled now with a increased indicator for Lipase. The vet suggested pancreatitis. Dr Oh suggested that in the next round of tcm, we should do a full blown pancreatitis tcm with some overgrooming , instead of the other way round. 

An even harder blow is that Ms Akira has a heart murmur and it seems there is nothing to be done for it but take medicataion. Her vet Dr T suggested Fortekor to begin with to take care of her heart. But there is nothing to take care of her valves. Dr Oh suggested lotus root as it is believed to help with the heart and we already have the powder for that. 

She is going for an eco cardiagram and an abdominal cardiagram today as the imagist (from another practice) will be away next week and the practice had squeezed her in as she is a referral. 

After this, Dr Tay will further advise us as to her care. I was very shocked yesterday as I did not expect the heart murmur. I was expecting some bad news about her liver or pancreas. The happy news is that her kidneys are well and her liver values have returned to normal. 

Ms Akira is not a happy cat as this will be the second time (in a row) that she has to fast but she is a quick learner and had opted to sleep instead of making continuous requests for food like yesterday. 


  1. When he had his pancreatitis crisis last year, Genji ate nothing but chicken breast baked in the oven with lots of water, to make a soup, for a while. He loved it, so that helped!

    We hope that things will settled down for you, Ms. Akira.

    The Chans

  2. Akira, we will pray for you. Although we are far away we hope you can feel the love we send you.
