Ms Akira relaxing with a guest on Hari Raya.
There are many things for which I should give thanks for and I have yet to do. It has been a long time since I have posted a Sunday Thanks post. It is time to begin our weekly thanks and gratitude post again. We will like to resume this by posting one about our kitty Ms Akira.
Ms Akira began her journey with us 11 years ago. She began fiery and bold but due to some trying circumstances she grew timid and lost a lot of the sparkle that she used to have about 8 years ago when we adopted our miracle cat Megat. They had a bloody fight and she retreated into herself. Then she began to overgrooming due to stress and loneliness.
It was only 4 years ago that she began a course of osteopathy to correct her spinal curvature from years of crouching and hiding. She also began acupuncture and TCM 1.5 years ago as well as Reiki and chakra rejuvenation. I also began a course of behaviour modification for her as well as Tanaka (who used to chase her for fun and boredom). We had given her conventional medication like steroids to help her grow her fur before.
It was therefore a breathtaking sight for us when she decided yesterday to sit with a guest to celebrate Hari Raya. This was the first time in 11 years that she had been with us that she actually did this!
Cousin R snapped several pictures quickly in case she ran off but she spent quite some time leaning against the leg of our guest.
So it is quite fitting that we begin our Sunday Thanks with our little girl Ms Akira and with gratitude and hope that at last she will come to herself again.
We would like to thank her TCM vet Dr Oh Soon Hock, her vet Dr Jean Paul Ly who sent her to her osteopath Dr Adrian Lalani, her Reiki friend Fern Kulpreechia, her Reiki and Chakra consultant Craig MacLennan at BlissfulLight, her furbrother Bujang who loves her unconditionally, her sisfur Popsicle Popps who taught her courage and of cos her nemesis turned brother Tanaka who came to see her as his sisfur in the end.