can I help you?
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Small Cat Diary
Yesterday I went for a good prowl downstairs. This green is a good place although san said I should hurry up since there were some mosquitoes flying about. I was not concerned as I am a cat and we are not afraid of mozzies!.jpg)
I went undercover and hid behind this thick bush. I was stalking prey! Sometimes I can catch lizards and once a lizard bit me back on my toe. But I ate his tail up. THAT taught him plenty.
Then I heard a loud noise and was rudely distracted by a few 2-legged individuals. san said I should not stalk little human beans as I had not put in enough practice for big game hunting.
But there were many little beans running about last evening. san said they were coming home from school. They didn't see me. I thought I did very well, camouflaging myself in the green.
And so I rested for a bit under the cover of prickly grass.
But when it comes to eating, I prefer the grass at this green though. Its longer and not so prickly. They're also softer.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Easy Peasy Sunday
Our InstaMag today is about the highlights of our week. So each kitty had done something that they absolutely liked. Tanaka loves snoopervising the upstairs, Akira loves hanging out with the family and Bujang loves walking on the grass. I realized that if he walks for about one hour downstairs he would decide by himself, to enter the PTU and then we can go home. If he is allowed less time, he needs to be persuaded to go home.
It is strange that now this area are devoid of red ants. Last year, I cannot bring him here as it would be crawling with red ants and he was bitten quite a few times here.
Yesterday was the first time he came to this part of the green. The grass is a little more dry here though.
Akira also had a good week. She had decided that she didn't want to be out in the living room for a few days and wanted to stay in the Calm room (computer room) until after dinner.
Last night she stayed on top of the night cage and I let Tanaka out. Tanaka decided to sit inside the pink cat toy just looking at her. Then he relaxed and just rested his head on the blanket. I allowed them to be together just relaxing past his bed time.
She is now a lot more relaxed about the whole situation and told Fern that she thought Tanaka is okay. But if he disturbs her, she would fight back. She had done this several times as well as Tanaka has an incredible curiosity when it comes to her.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Saturday Easy
Yup. My only plan is to just hang out with family and to take a walk outside.
I have been behaving very well this week. My plan is to well...I don't think it's god to tell san at this point but it has to do with a certain little sisfur.
I have my eye on you orange fuzzball.
I did try letting Tanaka out while she is here but she wasn't pleased. So the plan remains to only let him out when she is in the kitchen or on top of her cage where she can see what is going on. But if she comes out of the kitchen when he is on top of the cage, I will just let it be but will keep an eye on things. This had only happened once but she is vigilant these days and would keep an eye out when she sees the baby gates open as she knows he is about the house somewhere.
Note: Indeed at 8 ish I went for a long walk with san. I enjoyed it very much as it was a quiet and cool walk.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Especially for today, I have allowed san to take an artistic picture of my good self. I have a delicate constitution and temperament and try to find the good in everyone (except that orange fuzzball)
Have a good weekend everyone and think of one good thing for every person and animal you meet today :)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Just Because
I am cute
The fur on my legs are growing slowly but well enough. I do groom them (too much san thinks) but just enough. But the fur on my belly is just the same - I have not much of it there at all.
The stress stopper works well for me and my brothers. It allows us to just be. san sprays this in our spaces for everyone in the morning and at night or in our PTU when we go to see Adrain.
This is what san uses for me in place of Clomicalm or Ovarid these days. 5 drops 4 times a day. san puts it on my ears and fur in the morning. Before she uses it, she taps it a few times on her palm and then rubs her plams together. I recognise the sound and would stay still for san to put it on my head, ears and rub it on my back. san puts 5 drops on my wet food for breakfast and dinner and 5 in my water bowl.
This is what I think san will be giving me now that my hair is growing a little and my confidence is also growing. Watch Out Tanaka!
Of course the flower essences go hand in hand with the vet, the osteopath and walks. She also gets time outside to walk about and hang out with family while Tanaka has to be in the computer room. Once she goes to the kitchen, Tanaka gets out and hangs out. So essentially every night all the cats are outside in their different safe spaces.I am glad its worked out a little better.
Bujang: They should both just relax san, like me. Do things slowly and think first before doing anything. I gave them advice already but kids don't really listen do they?
Bujang: They should both just relax san, like me. Do things slowly and think first before doing anything. I gave them advice already but kids don't really listen do they?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Monday Mood
This is just the way I had envisioned the amigos to be together 3 years ago - sitting peacefully in the same space and time. It has taken us almost 3 years to come to this situation and it happened last night after dinner. Ms Akira was in the kitchen so I allowed Tanaka out into the living room where he played and sniffed about and later sat on top of the night cage. I thought everything would be as per normal with all kitties in their safe places until I turned around and saw THIS! My heart nearly leapt out of my mouth! That was how surprised I was. But good sense stopped me from scooping her up. Instead I let her just sit there relaxing (of cos with her eyes staring at Tanaka and Tanaka intently looking down at her). I was also surprised that Tanaka did not immediately leap down to chase her as well. However, after some minutes Akira got up slowly. I knew from her twitching ears and tail that she was not sure and so I got up and sat on the sofa, close enough for her to walk towards me if she wanted...and she did. Only then did I scoop her up and put her in her calm room as it was already 8 pm and Tanaka will have to get down to go to bed. All in all, it was the best Easter we have ever had in our house.
I thought it would be wise to list down the steps that might have contributed to this so I know what I had done and not done or can still explore. It had taken Akira a long time to have such courage to tell Tanaka off as well and by actually making a choice of sitting with everyone, she is making one of her wishes come true- that is to sit peacefully with everyone in the living room. I had to put her on clomicalm (on her vet's recommendation for over grooming). This only added to her stress as she knew when this would happen and he whole body would tense up. So I had given her Ovarid that I can put in her food as it is tasteless and odourless. This was only for a short time as it could give her diabetes in the long run.For the period that was taking Ovarid, her fur grew but after the vet stopped it, she began to overgroom again. She also had bloodwork before the clomicalm and after the Ovarid.
Then I had skyped Laura Stinchfield, thepetpsychic or animal communicator to ask her what was wrong. This was when I discovered the following:
1. That the boys think her eyes were frightening
2. That they think she walked queerly for a cat
3. That they think she was going to hurt them as she her eyes were too big and she walked strangely.
Akira also said:
1. Her neck hurt when she walked
2. her legs hurt as well as she needed to walk low and stalk about as she was frightened of being chased by the boys (they did chase her all the time if they could)
3. She frequently could not see very well and that was why she had to open her eyes wide.
4. That she felt afraid all the time and she said she would prefer to 'die' than have Megat (my rainbow kitten) hurt her again.
Laura recommended a chiropractor to correct her spine. Dr Ly our vet, recommended an osteopath Adrian to help her as she was a timid cat and all that chiropractic manipulations may do her more harm than good. So we got Adrian and indeed he told me that as she had been walking very low for many years, she indeed an a curved spine and this would have been extremely painful for her and she had legs that were bent as she had to stalk low so the boys would not see her (eventhough she was in her room). She had undergone about 2 months of weekly visits to Adrian and now as her spine is straight, she goes once every 3 months.
I had also gotten her Reiki help (which all 3 now have) on a weekly basis with Fern. Fern helps them with Reiki and also talks to them weekly like a psychiatrist :)). Everyone gets Spirit Essence (from Jackson Galaxy) for their own special condition every day, Akira and Tanaka share both spaces (in the computer room) and the rooms in the house daily so that they recognise each others scent and now Tanaka shares the living room without the harness when Akira is in the kitchen. Tanaka knows not to go into the kitchen when she is there (of cos sometimes he forgets or the curiosity is just too much for him).
Akira has grown much in self-confidence and Tanaka has grown to accept that they both must share the living spaces as well as the significant spaces.
So you can see why we were so excited to see all of them sitting quietly last night. We hope to see more of this.
Akira out walking yesterday. Walking outside in the harness sis also good for her self-esteem and she likes walking at night when it is quiet. Yesterday she walked out in the late afternoon.
We thank our friends Whipple and Pepper for their generosity in giving us the award. We have listed many things that we are thankful for instead of just three. We are giving this award to our good friends The Chans , the great kitties at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life , those nood kitties at Katnip Lounge and supper sassy Katie at Katie Isabella.Here are the rules for accepting to YOO-HOO award:
- Firstly, post the award on your blog and thank the blogger who gave it to you.
- Secondly, visit at least three of the blogs that are receiving the award along with you and leave a comment.
- Thirdly, tell us all three things you have to celebrate. You know, three things for which you are thankful.
- Lastly, pass along the award to seven other bloggers and let them know you have done so. (sorry Whipple and Pepper.)
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Easy Peasy Sunday

This week has been a busy one fur us, errr... actually just san. We cats just hang out but she had cross-country and term tests and papers to grade so we have not been blogging on time. But at least we managed to persuade her that late blogging is better than no blogging :)
The best news fur this week is about my bruffer Bujang and the fact that none of his vertebraes had any indication of stress anymore. Adrian , our osteopath had checked each one and fur that we are furry grateful. His next appointment is in 3 months! I fink mine is in a month or so. I better not remind san as I do not like the journey there although I like Adrian.
San is also grateful that I had not bugged my sisfur much and I was a good boy and did not go into the kitchen to disturb her. I only kept one eye on her from the living room. But this was sometimes boring so I would just rest in the bedroom or take a nap. I am also grateful as sometimes Akira prefurs to stay in the room instead and would not come out even though san had asked her. So THAT is good fur shure...
We are all grateful that all offur us, including our friends from downstairs, the community cats are safe. To end this post san said she would put up several pikshurs of me walking along the corridor on Good Friday. I fink it's the best idea she has had fur months.
Last Friday I took a long walk along the corridor immediately after the rain. It was sunny but cool.
I told san I would like to try riding this purple bike as we have the same colors. But san said I should learn to ride it first.
I was curious why san puts ice in the pots fur the orchids. San says she read in a blog that to encourage orchids to flower, one has to put ice in their pots. I have yet to see this pot bear any flowers though.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Bujang at the osteopath
Bujang behaved very well at the osteopath this morning. He sat patiently and waited for Adrian and he helped Adrian massage his spine by turning right and left and sitting quietly. He even allowed Adrian to feel his liver without once protesting. I was quite amazed at how well-behaved he was.
The report this time was excellent. Adrian had checked all his vertebrae and he did not find any stress in any one of them now. I am really glad as I want his later life to be just as happy as his life now, without excruciating and debilitating pain.
I must stress that Adrain did say his physical trauma is the result of some emotional stress and trauma in his early life as to date Bujang did not have any kind of trauma with me nor had he hurt himself. Adrian helped him the first time and I had decided to get more help for his emotional issues with Craig MacLennan, a naturapath and holistic teacher. Craig had been working with Bujang and clearing his emotional 'blockages' and chakra work. Since I do not think that a stressed spine can be better with only one treatment, the emotional work with Craig must have done a llot to help him as well.
Since he is doing so well, we only need to see Adrian in 3 months, in July. Hurrah!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Good Friday
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Wonderful Wednesday
This afternoon san came home early and we went out walking at about 4 pm. I was very glad and walked for a whole hour.
There were a few sun beams but I was too busy
Resting and just hanging out and
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