Monday, February 10, 2014

Manly Thots of two mancats

Yesterday, Fern sent me a message about the amigos and their Reiki session. For our mancat Tanaka, she said:
He was full of energy when we spoke. He said he wanted to play. I asked him to bear with me a little. Then I asked what he was up to. He said he found something he could play with and that I shouldn't hold him for too long. He told me that "little girl" went out with Mummy yesterday (Akira went to the osteopath). I said Akira is your sister remember? He listened and ran off.

Of Bujang, Fern said: He received energy well and thanked me at the end. He said he really enjoyed that game you had him play (Jitter Bug). He said it should have been available for him to play long ago!

oh dear....


  1. Better late than never, Bujang!

    What were you playing with, Tanaka-Chan?

    The Chans

  2. hee's never enough with the cats, is it?

  3. Bujang...really? That's what you were thinking?
