Sunday, May 12, 2013

Easy Peasy Sunday

We have not been blogging for about a week as san had a viral infection and needed to rest. It was a good thing too as all she did was cough and sleep. But we didn't mind too much as life was gentle and calm for almost everyone.

I got to come out into the living room even when my sister was outside. But san was always with us and told me to be nice and calm when I sniff at her. She was as usual under the blanket. Here she was when san removed the blanket from her head.

san is trying to get her to eat some coconut oil as she read it might be good for our whole system and make her less itchy but of course my sister is not making it easy. "Way to go, sister!"

This morning the 2 boys were playing the fool with her. Bujang decided to be the lookout...

and Tanaka decided to wait and see...

a close-up of the little imp...

Too bad san saw him !

But we leave you with some Easy Peasy pictures from our home.

Happy Sunday everyone.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. We hope you three were good nursie kittehs for san...Glad she's feeling better!

  2. We missed you, and we are sorry that San was not well. We love all the photos today!

    The Chans

  3. Glad San is feeling better. Love all the pictures today.. Hugs GJ xx

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    You take good care of yourself, San.

    the letter b

  5. WE loved all your pictures, kitties. We are so happy to hear San is feeling better. :)

  6. Did you kitties take good care if San? After all, she takes such loving care of you. Lovely photos. Meow from Jessica
