Thursday, November 15, 2012


 Bujang: I like quiet times in the early evenings with everything and everyone in its place. THEN ...
 Bujang: What is that ?
Tanaka: Relax bruffer. I will see what it is.
 Hmmm.... what is this? Will it taste good san? But I fink it will be a good chase..hee hee...
 Oh..where is it?
Hmmm...if I look furry hard, it will appear right? RIGHT?

Of course the grasshopper was too smart (I hope) It did not make an appearance even though Tanaka waited patiently for as long a he could - about 1 minute:) Since the evenings are cooler these days, we get quite a variety of creatures instead of the inevitable beetle in the house. Thank goodness the beetles are small, not bigger than 5mm in diameter. But the amigos always welcome the distraction.


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  2. Ah that hunting instinct. I am sad to say that Bibi just caught a robin in the cat run. Birds are supposed to be safe with the cats in the run, but some are foolish enough to come inside...
