Well I am certainly going to stay here for the whole week. After san put up the picture of our bedtime roost, some people came to take away my bed. san said the bed was not comfortable anymore as the slats broke. I told san she should get us a new bed- one with no slats! THAT is only reasonable but san is a human bean and as you know, human beans are sometimes not very smart. She needs me to give her advice.

This is our new futon but it is very low- right on the floor. I do not like sleeping on the floor. It is too close to the ground! Only the crazy orange cat likes it as you can see. He likes anything that one!The only good thing is that our new covers have pandas on them which makes it quite cheerful but I know pandas live in China and I am a Singapore cat! So I am waiting for our new bed to arrive next week. I will NOT sleep on the bed until then!
Oh Dear. Toro-Chan! That sounds very traumatic. We hope the new bed next week will be to your liking.
The Chans
Picky picky! Of course, we CAN be choosy, we're Cats!