Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday in the park

First let me see to my wheels...just in case I need to make a getaway... Finally ...
The grass tastes nice (he then proceeded to throw up)
Bujang always likes sniffing around these corners. I guess they're full of info for him...
Open open space...I like...

Bujang finally got to get out for an evening walk after a long time. The days had always been too hot, too wet or I got held up at work. He was not pleased to be put in the carrier as the last time he was harnessed and in the carrier, I brought him to the vet for his annual checkup. Bujang has one of the longest memories of all my cats for things like this.

He took a slow walk in his usual places and was spooked only once. I didn't expect him to even get out as usually he would choose to stay in his carrier if I bring him down after some time has passed. He was very mellow this evening and didn't prtest too much when I bundled him in again to go home. All in all, it was a good if short evening out for the both of us :)

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