Bujang has been trying to get me to take him out walking but the days have been uncertain and I had been busy with grandma. But finally, this evening we went out as it was cool and breezy...

Bujang walked about quite alot and saw many new things. This is the bin for burnt offerings and so was the source of many good smells..

The soft grass smelled good too and was also good to eat. he ate only a few blades though as he had things to do...

like lying FOREVER beside this broken bicycle and sniffing every inch of it!

He also decided this cover needed close scrutiny but before he decided to roll over it, I had to take him somepleace else. Iwas quite surprised that he went with me docilely with not even a little tantrum and didn't even snap at me or claw at me through the doors of his carrier. He behaved very well today :)
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