This evening, the aircon servicemen came to repair and service our aircon system. This morning, to mu surprise, I woke up to a wet floor and noticed that my aircon system was leaking water. The boys were all rattled by the disturbance, except handyman Tanaka of course. However after they left, the boys gradually crept into the living room and relaxed except Ms Akira who is even now sitting on my lap. She has refused to eat and did not want to run about in the living room as she would usually do at this hour. She is a very nervous kitty but has now quite visibly relaxed. It remains to be seen if she would get out of the computer room later though.
How about trying Bach Flower for Ms Akira? There are 7 varieties, I find 'Loss&Mourning' better than 'Fear' for fearful cats. It works on some cats but not all. It comes in tiny granules (like sand particles) and is slightly sweet.