I sat wif san after dinner. san was reading her book. san read to me a little. It was a detective story about a policeman but it was furry longggg...so..

I decided to tell san that I was not interested and wanted her to stop. san didn't but she gave me somefing to play wif. It was...

a nice orange (like me) paper. It flew about. THIS was much better...

I tried to eat it but it didn't taste furry good. But it crinled about and made a good noise. san was still reading and oh well..how long can a cat be interested in a piece of paper?

Ho hummm....

I decided to see what was under my blankie..

It was nice and warm and much better than san's book...

zzzz....so much better...zzzz
You look so cozy under that blankie. What a great piece of orange paper to play with!