Friday, March 20, 2009

Freaked- out Friday

WHAT? Is this the last time I will be able to do this?
This is truly the last picture I have of him on the Marukan.
I think you should have told me sooner I have nowhere to lay my hat!

Bujang's new sanctuary in the computer room...ok I have to remove the fork and spoon combo thingee :)

Kevin came yesterday with the laundry and took the Marukan cage with him. Bujang was sitting on the Marukan when I wheeled it to the living room and he had to be persuaded to get off :) He was rather attached to the Marukan. But now we have more space in the computer room and he is getting used to sleeping on a side table of sorts. Posted by Picasa


  1. What's a Marukan? Is that a pet carrier?

  2. Its a brand of cage. Our Marukan was for a chinchilla and I had bought it for Ms akira when she was smaller as she doesn't like sleeping out in the open. Our present night cage for Ms Akira is for a rabbit or small cat. :)
