I'll show you..just a minute..I have to get myself in order...


The Bach helps my nervous disposition..ermm..yes..
Ms Akira has been much more sociable these days. She does come out into the living room area although she sits away from the rest of the boys, away from Megat particularly. Ever since the last big showdown (about 4 months ago) where there was some blood (Megat's), she has been minding her own business away from the boys. She is either on the fridge and therefore extremely safe from everyone or under the covers in grandma's room or on top of her cage in the living room.
However, I am glad to see her getting into the swing of things, after the usual dose of Bach Flower Remedy (Aggression) cos she used to bully everyone. But she is now much calmer. She has started growling at Megat if she sees him anywhere near her these days. Before, she just used to run off and hide some place. So I know she is gradually becoming her usual prima donna self. :)
I have just started giving Toro a dose of the Bach too as he is getting very naughty and has started trying to bully her. Megat's interest in Tanaka has resulted in him being less interested in bullying Ms Akira although he does make some half-hearted runs at her. But he would usually stop when I call his name loudly and firmly.
Today Ms Akira came out and inspected the bedroom (her previous playing ground). Then she walked about in the living room and went up the cat gym. I have to say however that I had put Megat in another room as I was preparing to leave to buy catfood. But its a start for the Little Ms and so maybe I should just seqester Megat for a hour everyday in the room so Ms Akira can get some breathing space. Hmmm...
Little Miss Akira looks good!! What a graceful and acrobatic kitty! But she looks a wee bit slim though. Glad she and Megat is rubbing each other's edges off.....