"I must say I don't look as bad as I thought I would. San likes the smooth buff cut. I think I am beginning to like it too."
"I am actually quite slim."
"Yes. This is the real me underneath all that fur. "
"Kind of svelte no?"

I finally sent Toro to the groomer. Someone recommended B as F is no more at PL. I called him and made an appointment and he said he usually grooms cats early at about 1.30 pm or late, at about 6.00 pm. I guess this was good as cats could be rather nervous and at these times, they would be by themselves more often than not. So I made an evening appointment.
I showed B the way I wanted Toro to be groomed and requested that he also trimmed Toro's legs so we could get a streamlined look. He said he does not usually trim cats' legs as they might need the fur for protection. Thinking about Toro, I thought it made sense so I told him not to trim too much.
The place was quiet with only Toro and 2 groomers in attendance. He trimmed Toro's nails, did his feet, cleaned his ears and then he shaved Toro slowly and carefully. Toro was very calm and behaved very well. I was pleased as it took only 1.5 hours for the full grooming and I brought him home at about 7.45. Usually it would take a full 3 hours before I could pick him up again!
B told me that poor Toro had dandruff. AIYOH! His skin was dry and I asked him if it could be because I did not brush him so regularly as Toro would make me run around when I do so. B said this could be one of the causes. So its agood thing I had asked for a buff cut then :) I asked him what kind of supplements I should get for Toro and he advised the vitamins and the Cat mist. I figured I would just get them and if Toro did not want them, I have 3 other cats who could use some vitamins! I had also bought the Salmon Oil some time ago for Megat as it has the vitamins that the vet had told me to give him.
Of course, true to nature, Toro refused all the vitamins, Bujang ate all the vitamins and Megat licked them as it was much easier for me to give them to him in this way. So I gave Toro the salmon oil for his skin condition. I hope it works. Anyway the amigos will all be down for their annual chek-up and the vet can advise the course that I could take for everyone, especially Toro's dry skin. I have to spritz Toro 3 times a week with the cat mist and eventhough I do not have to rub it in, B said it might help. I hope so.
The Amigos are soooooo lucky to have you taking care of them!