Friday, November 30, 2007
Frightful Friday...for some

What has happened to my pikshur on the banner?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Barbarians at the gate..a very little one...
Looking out and still safe from harm...

Grooming Issues

After the salon, some rest methinks...
Some last minute grooming issues...

Sunday, November 25, 2007
Bujang on sleepy sunday
I would like to say somefing about Tanaka. He is smaller than me which is furry furry good but he is furry fast. He runs here and there and jumps on us. I do not mind so much as he is furry small and I fink he will run about like me when I was small before but now I am a BIG boy. San and grandma do not mind Tanaka and lets him run around sometimes but they close all the doors, especially the one to the kitchen. They also close the window at the cat gym as Tanaka is furry small and can get out of the grills. The only one that is open is the one with the mesh. No one can get out of the small holes, so that is all right. Grandma and san built the grills fur me and Akira and Toro but they didn't think they would have Tanaka in the haus.
Toro likes Tanaka and lets him jump on his fur..hahaha. It is furry funny to see Tanaka jump on Toro and Toro pretends to bite him. I fink at last Toro has someone who likes to jump and run so I guess he would have to make the best of it. But we will be here to confurrt him when Tanaka leaves fur his furrever home.
But I miss the times when we were quiet and I do not have to have eyes behind my head. San has put Tanaka back in his haus and so we get some time to sleep on sleepy sunday. Tanaka is also tired of trying to persuade san to let him out again and he is sleeping.
Finally all will be quiet. Hrmph!
Over and out...zzzzz
Tanaka on Sunday
Just so-so news...

Saturday, November 24, 2007
Tanaka - The Dweller or the
Toro the Giant, sitting and minding his own business like the good cat that he is...

Last pictures of Cik Mina's family
Cik Mina and Agent 007 - like mother like daughter...
Encik Mat... I think this is Cik Mina's son but most of the cleaners think its one of her paramours. I have yet to see any of her kittens being black and white. If indeed this is her paramour, she would have quite a few black and white as he stays in the compound and sometimes eats with her family.