I have been trying to get the amigo a bigger seating space on a cat tree but the going is really tough. I don't think its wise to buy cat trees online as the shipping cost itself would cost more than the cat tree although I had seen seating of 24 inches in diameter.
My friend gave me the idea of building my own cat seat out of a bed and I had nailed this bed to Bujang's existing cat tree. I then placed the fleece mat in it and placed the cat blanket for good measure. The amigos looked at it suspiciously. Yesterday grandma told me that Bujang slept in it and this afternoon she found the blanket on the floor. We think Bujang was too comfortable and fell off as there was really nothing to arrest his fall. :(
I have to get two planks and nail them to the sides of the flat board so it would give him some leeway to stretch. I hope the experience did not put him off as I really have tried to get him something bigger to no avail.
Dear San, I am sure the kitties appreciate your efforts....they can sleep on beds and sofas and cushions as well?