Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Cat Tree #2
If you can't buy 'em....
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Where do I sleep?

- He feels that he does not need a formal sleeping area for himself BUT
- I feel that he needs one so that every cat knows where his own sleeping quarters is.
- He feels that he should be able to get out of his sleeping quarters any time he chooses BUT
- I feel that THIS would put The Boys in danger of having to find alternative sleeping places. This is not a good idea as I have been trying to get into Bujang's good books. Depriving Bujang of his favourite sleeping quarters is NOT the way to go.
- He feels that if he asks me loudly to let him out, I should BUT
- I feel that if a kitty wants to get out at 3 am and I let him, I must be outta my mind.
- He feels that if he wants to, he could shred his sleeping quarters or at least the door flap to bits as this would allow him to escape BUT
- I feel that as a sane person, I should be able to come up with something else so I can get some restful sleep and not have a 4.5 kg cat walk all over my face in the early hours of the morning.
So I got him one of those dog kennels with a green roof and red door. Megat slept in it without incident for one night. I was so pleased that it went okay so the next night, I put him to bed and opened the room door (he is now sleeping in a different room). The next morning, grandma woke me up and asked me where he was! ARGHHH! Megat has struck again. He managed to escape from the kennel and he had figured out how to unlatch the door. So once a cat knows how to unlatch the door, it makes little sense to put him in the kennel again. Once an escape artist, always an escape artist.
So today, I went to PL and bought a new cage for Ms Akira as she has outgrown the MARUKAN. I am putting Megat in the MARUKAN and there is no way in #@$% that he can get out of THAT by himself. I am returning Bujang his pethouse so he can have restful naps in it in the afternoons and I am giving the kennel away to my cousin for his 2 cats. No one else likes the kennel. Maybe they know its for dogs :)
The new cage will be here on Wednesday so for now he would still have to sleep in the pethouse in my sister's room. I have reinforced the doorflap with masking tape (yeah I am THAT desperate). I think since my sister would not be in Singapore for some months yet, Megat can squat in there and it makes me happy as he does not yell when he is in that room. I guess he knows it would make little difference as I am not in there with him :)
I hope this would finally solve the sleeping arrangements in the amigo house :)
Grandma just told me she thinks Ms Akira would be much happier in the MARUKAN cos it has 2 tiers where she can hop on to when she feels like it. I guess I can try to reorganise her night snack so she would have more space to laze about at the bottom of the cage. :) I guess Megat would have to be contented with the new cage - no tiers but with lots of room for him to laze about.
The an appropriate pose...
The long suffering relative..."when will this end?"
Hotbed of Chaos in PR
At 2210 hrs, on 27th October, Saturday, 3 siblings in PR were found entangled in a hotbed of chaos.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sleepy Saturday
Toro loves the breeze with a little rain in it...
This morning, it threatened thunder and then it drizzled. The boys were hanging out at the cat gym, each minding his own business. I am quite surprised the basket is not falling apart and Bujang can still sit in it comfortably. Toro likes sitting near the window as he likes the soft breeze blowing his against his fur :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
All clear
Tuesday finds the amigos all rested and quite relaxed - everyone is in their own personal space. We had a short burst of Da Bird with everyone playing. I had to close the bedroom door so Megat does not get to monopolise the whole game. The 3 kitties took turns at the zig-zag runs and flying leaps. Even Bujang deigned to take a few bats at Da Bird when it flew past him.
Then I had a solo game with Megat. Bujang came in the bedroom and played the game with him until Megat became too rough for Bujang to tolerate. Toro just sat by and watched. But it all ended quite nicely as after that everyone just went to their own spaces for some private time. Toro did not pull out any more of his tail fur, much to my relief. He is at present asleep on his own blue chair.
I try as much as I can to make sure there are enough private corners for everyone to find private time as I have yet to figure out how to get an overhead catwalk done or even figure out the vertical spaces for them.
Here Toro was trying to tell grandma that The Seven Samurai is not as interesting as he is. He also offered to arrange the tapes for us but we told him he should just go rest and relax. He did as he was all cats would :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Stop that Totoro!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Where are you Big Casanova?

Megat's new housing situation

Our neighbours by Intrepid Reporter Bujang

Yesterday morning san and I went fur a walk along the corridor. It was quiet and nice. I saw our neighbour's plants and the furry mysterious washing. Grandma does not have that kind of washing. She putted them in the hot machine to dry and the machine goes whirrr...whirrr.. Grandma usually closes the door to the kitchen as she doesn't wants us to gets hurt by the hot machine. I told grandma I didn't like the door and I would bite the plastic cloth on the machine so the machine would know. But grandma would sometimes scream and tells me to stop it :( I do not like the noise of the machine.
Ms Akira - Can i go too please?
Ms Akira finally agreeing that indoors would be a better place for her...
Saturday morning outside
Toro making his way for morning inspection...
Bujang curious about Toro's findings...

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Megat's fishing expedition
Megat has taken to stealing grandma's fried fish again. he did this when he first came but we thought that was because he had been a stray for such a long time and found it difficult to integrate into an indoor cat household. It has been quite a long time that he had not done this but these past 2 weeks, there were 3 incidents of Megat surreptitiously eating grandma's fried fish on the kitchen counter.
We had tried to put the fish in the toaster oven and even blocked the oven door with the heavy tissue stand but to no avail. I think the Hari raya smells of all things fatty and fried triggered his dormant responses :)
Grandma threatened Megat that she would put him back in the carpark if he misbehaves again but megat ignored her and went to sleep under the coffee table :) Then 10 minutes later, grandma would relent and tells him that he is 'so poor thing' and she would pet him on his head!
Megat is the only one who eats fried fish and would actually get up on the counter to check out grandma's cooking. Bujang gets up on the counter so he could walk towards the kitchen window to peer at the birds. Ms Akira does it to get on top of the fridge where she could peer in safety at the goings-on in the kitchen. Toro does not get up on counter, not for the lack of trying but I think because he has short legs. I know the most sensible action is to train the amigos to stop getting on the counters but the easier one is to try to persuade Megat that there is nothing delicious on it in the first place. An even easier one is not to have any fried fish at all where he could get at it with his nimble paws. I think we will try this option first :)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I was reading Dawn's blog and read about Blog Action Day . I thought it was quite fitting as I had spent the whole afternoon with some colleagues and kids recycling books. We would be moving premises in Nov and we decided that we should have less than we brought to holding school. So we got all our novels/readers and had a book sale - 2 books for $1.00. The money that we got is going towards buying resources for the kids in 2008.
There was quite a frenzy of buying and the 13 year-olds spent a good afternoon persuading all the teachers and other students to buy novels to give away as presents or just for their own reading pleasure. We then spent what was left of the afternoon putting our things in the recycling bins.
Grandma is also doubling her recycling efforts and had spent the afternoon cleaning out the store room and putting things out for the recycling people this Friday :)
Monday, October 15, 2007

What will happen if...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
After the 1001 guests had gone...

she was still not convinced that everyone has left...yet..

an ang pow kibble or treat...

Toro did not have a good day on Hari raya with the guests since one or two actually followed him about the house. They did not mean to chase him but since he ran from them, they followed after him. I think he was a victim of his own handsome-ness :) I had to rescue him twice and I finally decided that no one else gets to see the very stanger-shy amigos.