Bujang is a cat who speaks his mind, at times very vociferously. Every bedtime he will do the same thing. When we are all together, he keeps quiet and would go to sleep quite easily. When I am not in the same room at bedtime, he would wail and then wait for me to come in. Toro of course has no problems with my absence as he would more often than not, be on his favourite blanket and asleep.
Tonight I had some work to do for a Friday morning (its already Friday morning!) workshop and I had decided to complete my work outside in the living room. But Bujang was wailing so loudly that I decided I might as well get my work done on my laptop in the room so he would not be upset and I could still get my work done. Thereby lies this tale. I thought I would take some pics and blog about it while I am at it :)
I think when Megat came to live with us, Bujang does not 'show' very obvious affection to me as Megat would sit on my chest all day if I let him :) Bujang is very tolerant towards Megat - non-confrontational mostly and he would let Megat alone if Megat lets him alone. He does not even mind that Megat sometimes sleeps in his snugs. Its just that he does not snuggle with me in the early mornings at all as was his habit before Megat came to live with us. However, he does sit by me in the evenings wherever I happen to be :) I hope he does not think I have abandoned him.
I am glad he has grandma with whom he can share laps with. Both boys are now fast asleep and I should get some sleep too..after completing work that is :)
Spencer is like that too. If I am still watching TV or in front of the laptop after 10pm, she will scream at me and try to sit on anything I am reading or looking.
ReplyDeleteBut she sort of understands when I watch CSI or sports.