Sunday, September 30, 2007
The Da Bird Championship - Ms Akira Vs The Boys
The Wait and Pounce Technique
Ms Akira favours the Lie-in-wait Technique. She sometimes gets her prey :)
Toro however, has to practise his if I-wait-it-will-come technique.

Its just lying there. What do I do with it?
Everything is right with my world...

The incident of the boys in the night time

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Cat Wrangling Friday
V came today to help me catch the school cats to be sent for sterilisation. I wondered how the whole operation would look like for the whole of this morning and spent quite a lot of time looking out for the 5 cats. I told the cleaners not to feed them and warned the P and the AM about the whole operation. V said it would be the best thing as he did not want to get held up by red tape instead of spending the time catching the cats. The whole operation took quite a short time, about 1 hour but the wait for Agent 007 took all of 2 hours! She disappeared after her two sisters were caught in the cat trap and never came back although V said, she would be back a little later.
We waited and I called and searched to no avail. V even looked up at the trees just in case she had climbed up one without us seeing her. Finally we had to call it a day as it was starting to rain. When my P got to know that we had not managed to catch the little kitty, her first words were, "But wouldn't the cat be lonely without the others?" I had also felt that but I thought she would know her way around the compound as this is the only home she knows and she would be quite safe. I left her some food where I know she would go and I hope she would not feel too lonely during the weekend. I think Cik Mina has taught her well and she is an A+ student.
Cik Mat saw me and started to follow me about. He is the most friendly of all the cats and is not afraid of me. He would follow me when I call him and we had had established this routine and trust for about 3 weeks. He was kind of suspicious when he saw V but V said I should act nonchalant. Once he relaxed, V came with the cat trap and in no time at all, Cik Mat walked right into it. :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wild Bunch
I was glad that all the wildbunch were in attendance tonight as it was still raining when I went to feed them. Minah didn's eat very much as she was distracted by a little lizard that darted past us. Fatboy ate 3/4 of his fissuecat sardines, Cal ate her fair share of fussiecat and so did Putih. But they were not all that energetic as it was cold and rather dreary.
I met the old auntie who used to feed them when I was coming back from my last stop. She was surprised that my cousin was not feeding the kitties but I told her that since I got home early, I fed them instead.
I then asked her why she was there so early. She told me she had not been working for some time!!! HUH! But she hastily said that she had been feeding the kitties everyday too and changing the water. I had seen the water for Minah since last week. I then asked her to help me feed the kitties but she said she was busy looking for work.
I thought if I do not persevere and get her to be responsible for some part of the feeding routine, she may feel that she has no more responsibility for the wildbunch. I told her that I needed her to help me feed them and asked her to feed them early during the weekends. I told her she could still find a job during the weekdays as I would continue to feed them then. She was not keen but I told her that just like her, I have a job to do and I needed some rest time. I just wanted her to take some responsibility as I suspect that she does not feel it was her duty to feed them regularly anymore. I know this as she didn't tell me she was not working anymore. The last time I saw her, she told me she was still working. AIYOH!
Finally, she agreed that she has a part to play in feeding the wildbunch. I repeated her duty days several times and told her to help keep an eye on the 2 naughty kids from the primary school who would usually not clean up the mess after they have fed Putih. I reiterated that if the TC has complaints, Putih's life would be in jeopardy. She promised that she would help.
It was a good thing that I met her tonight. Must be a gift of Ramadhan :)