There was no one at the playground and as such the whole place was clean and tidy. Usually this place would be littered by children from the nearby school, moms waiting for their kids and teenagers who loiter and smoke in the playground.

Cal in close-up - as healthy as ever...
THE MAN (the one who insisted that I relocate Screaming Banshee aka Megat) insisted that Cal was pregant. I had to tell him again and again that Cal was spayed already and therefore she could not be pregnant. I even explained to him that her tipped ears meant that she had been sterilised and all tipped-eared cats are neutered cats. He didn't believe me and insisted that she was pregnant! Aiyoh! He also tried to convince me that cats bring disease. Worse and worse. I was very fed-up and tried to reason with him telling him about cats being very particular about where they bury their poo and TNR. Finally he conceded that I might have a point and proceded to tell me that if he doesn't see Minah in the mornings at our void deck, he becomes quite suspicious as he knows that cats are very good at sourcing out danger. Finally something good and reasonable.

I was glad to find Minah tonight as she was not about last night at all. She ate all her food and some leftovers from Putih. I fed Putih last as I saw Cal at the void deck and thought I should feed Cal first before she disappeared as she is easily spooked.
I too have the "misfortune" of living next to primary school. The perimeter of the school is peppered with litter of every kind but mainly the plastic drink containers and the tubular ice containers. Bicycles are also chained on every possible chainable conduits at the downstairs. My tolerance was reached when bicycles were parked on the ramp as it obstructed the mobility of wheelchairs. I wrote to the school principal and then the indiscrimate parking stopped.... at least for now.
ReplyDeleteThen we have had pool of water in the lifts. We thought it was some "maid" made to wash cars but later one of my neighbours said he suspected the school kids emptied their water bottles as it always occurred when the kids were off the morning session. He called up the school principal and the water incidents stopped ...for now....
I don't blame the kids really. The parents ought to be blamed!
TC must be educated the HUMAN are to be "caught" for cat feeding littering! We need to drum this into their heads. Sometimes we need to squeal on the human to save the cats! Like the irresponsible car owner who feed in the carpark. I will not hesitate to point my finger at him should any complaints arise about the carpark cats.
good to see everyone os safe and healthy. The uncle a bit weird hor?