After a long time Toro and I spent some time together at the computer. He is now laying on his personal shelf, meditating with his eyes open. I suspect that he is asleep though. He seems quite contented and so I think I will stay here alittle longer to keep him company. I know that once I leave the computer room, he would wake up, shake himself and leave with me :)
Grandma reported that he still looked for Putih yesterday in the loo. I wonder when he will stop looking for her. The other kitties have stopped looking and ms Akira ate some fussiecat yesterday. I just think its nice that all of them get together at dinner just for 5 minutes tops. If Ms Akira doesn't think she can get anything good to eat at dinner, she may stop coming to the kitchen to eat with the boys. I don't want that to happen as she is so prima donna already and hardly ever hangs out with them.
Toro is so very sweet and friendly