Thursday, May 31, 2007
Travel Plans

Quiet thoughts

Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I assume this is Mina's son from last year. Last year she had 2 black and white kittens and this year she just had 4 tortoiseshell and calico kittens. As none of Mina's kittens look remotely like him or have his colours, I still maintain that this is Mina's son. A few of the other people are trying to convince me that Mat is Mina's paramour. He has very pretty green eyes and he limps just a little. He is very much wary of me so I can't help him very much. But he is a spritely fellow and quite well-built and therefore well-fed.
Mat still hangs around the place everyday and Mina makes no complaints when he is around her at all. He sometimes meows loudly when he makes his rounds. I am trying to make friends so that when I get Mina to the vet later this month, I can also make an appointment for him. I am trying to get all the cats here neutered as we are leaving this premises at the end of this year. Although I have spoken to the head of the next organisation about Mina and how he should keep her as she would be spayed by then, I do not know if they would keep him or indeed try to neuter him or any of the kittens.
However, the both of them are survivors and I am sure they can take care of themselves for many years to come.
Putih revisited

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Superman to the rescue
Mina at work

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Ms Akira's tantrum
I do not know what it is with Ms Akira yesterday. She did not have any dinner at all. I gave her some fussiecat - No thanks; some Snappy Tom - No thanks; some Aristo- NOPE! Thank goodness I have Putih who would eat most of it and Bujang who would eat all (if I let him). Toro was very helpful too. I know she hates Natural Balance. Anyway only Megat eats Natural Balance :)
Finally the Little Ms came down from the table and stalked off without anything. So she just got some extra kibble in her night snack. I think I will just give her kibble this evening when all the rest are having some canned tuna :)
Who is he?
The computer repairman finally brought my repaired CPU on Wednesday night. He said my whole motherboard was shot. I bought this computer 3 or 4 years ago! Now I have a new hard disk with more space etc etc. He also said I should at least use my aircon in the computer room as it would help my computer to have a longer shelf life. :)
The computer guy D was not afraid of cats thank goodness and after about 5 minutes of scrutinising D from far away, Bujang decided he was harmless and sat to watch the goings on with the hardware. Ms Akira watched him from on top of the cupboard in the computer room. After the whole operation was over, she decided to jump off from the cupboard and landed on top of the computer table. Poor D was shocked! He told me later he was not aware that she was even in the room with him. Hahaha
I have now got wireless and its definately much easier than ADSL.
Growing Grass

Hide and Seek
My fortune cookie :)
My Fortune Cookie told me: You should emulate your heros, but don't carry it too far. Especially if they are dead. Get a cookie from Miss Fortune |
Friday, May 25, 2007
More water for everyone
The Putih Saga
Putih is taking many things in her stride. She is very affectionate and likes quiet times where she would sit with me and just hang out. She has gotten used to the cage and would sometimes make a choice of sitting in it when I put her in the loo as she has to be out of the amigos' range of curiosity :)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Eh? Pregnant?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Putih and the vet

Sunday, May 20, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
No books for me please
Megat, like Toro, does not like reading at all, not even about cats. They much prefer napping the day away :)