So I went to the pet store and bought this foam shampoo that I had used a very long time ago on Bujang before I discovered orange mango wipes. SB allowed me to put globs of foam all over his fur. Once the operation was over, he leaned over on my foot and rested while he cleaned and put his fur to order. I noticed he lays his foot flat on the ground. This was the 2nd time that I noticed he did this to his leg. It was quite strange as none of the amigos and indeed none of the other cats I had seen had ever done this to their leg and foot. He was not in any kind of pain and walks quite jauntily on all of his legs so I guess it must be something genetic.
Grandma gave her seal of approval and told me he smelled better. :)
Oh phew for a while I thought you gave him a bath! But I am sure he feels better and fresher.