Sunday, April 29, 2007




The boys decided that it was better to nap than to wait for Megat to finish playing with Da Bird. It was the best use of their energy :) Toro got the whole bed to himself while Bujang decided to test nap the new bed that I had bought for Megat. Megat did not know what to make of the bed and so Bujang took over. He is the only cat that understands how to use these beds :)

I bought the bed so that Megat would have something to call his own. All his stuff, except his red tiger, are just hand -me-downs from the rest of the kitties. But he is doing well here with us and so I guess he is used to it already.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Megat will mind having the old stuffs from the other kitties. He is already very grateful that he has a roof above his head and you to take care of him.
