Monday, April 16, 2007

In sympathy

Sleeping off his fever...

Ms Akira actually sitting with Toro.... and me...

Bujang's usual sunday afternoon nap...

Megat giving everyone a break...

Toro had his annual vaccination on the 15th. he weighed 5.11 kg. :) Not much diffrent from last year. He behaved very well and he was out from the vet's office under 20 minutes. When I brought him home, he raced out of the carrier after the treat that I gave him for being so brave at the vet's. After about one hour he decided to sleep his experience away and Ms Akira actually came into the room to be with us. :) I would like to think that she was giving Toro some company but to tell the truth, its because Megat was sleeping on the bed and she had to find another refuge :))

Toro still has a little fever today. His paws are not hot but his ears feel a little hot. Grandma reported that he ate his food and he walked about the house as usual this morning. I am glad he was feeling better.

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