Friday, August 30, 2024

Finally Friday

 Today is Teachers’ Day here and san is home. We get to sit by our open door. Morning smells are the best as it is cool. San waters the corridor garden early so we get to see the birds coming in for a drink. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What’s up with you Mo?

 Momo sometimes has bouts of when she would yell loudly when she is by herself. She used to do it when she was sleeping. Then I thought it just be some nightmares that she was having. This went on for several months. But now she yells when she is by herself. Here Sky was trying to comfort her by sitting close to her for half an hour until she was quiet. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Musings

Yes san.  Manju is such a trial. Can we send him back?


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Just 3 cats

These are our before and after photos. SAN said it is good to see how far we have come so we would be more grateful cats and not turn the house upside down. We tell her ‘pfbbbt’. 

Monday, August 12, 2024


Maybe it’s a Persian cat thing! Manju was not interested in looking at the mirror when he sat here the night before. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

New playground

I decided to take down 2 seats from the wall as momo and and Manju have   been doing acrobatics on the curtain rod and the top of door grille. Both of them nearly fell off and I was afraid  that they would do the same when I was at work. 
So I put one here. Sky liked it as she likes to spend her evenings sleeping near the scratcher but now she has her own seat. 

 Not to mention she likes seeing the reflection of the house through the mirror. 

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Manju at breakfast

 He has learnt the difference between people food and cat food. This is Manju right after his own breakfast. He is sitting quite calmly on the table now. Just 6 or 7 months ago he would have run away with the bun. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2024


I’ve been helping san with laundry lately. She washes, dries and I sit on them to see if they are ready to hang in the wardrobe. We make a good team. 

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Camping Weekend

                       Let us into the tent Sky!!!!