Why is there a need to pet me? I do NOT see the necessity!
I have a job to do. I need to take care of the cats. It's my job!
That was in response to the question as to why he is always so fierce and why he scratches even family who try to pet him on the
19th July. He would bite or use his claws to very good (and painful effect) . Fern said that he did not know that 'that' behaviour is fierce but he did say that he had to protect the kitties and so he did not want to be petted. He did not see why people need to do that.
I had asked Fern to tell him to be nicer to people, especially vets who would need to touch him so they can see if he is alright. He sees the vet for annual checkups or when his claws are too long and they need to be trimmed. It seems he does not like anyone to touch his paws as he feels uncomfortable when they do. When I asked Fern to try to tell him he should allow the vets to touch him, my cat Bujang said , "OK, if they need to BUT not too much!" :)
He simply adores going for walks but I needed him to know that if the day is wet out, if it rains or if I am late back, we can't go for a walk. Bujang said the following.
Bujang: Why can't go out when it rains?
Fern: Because the grass and ground would be wet (pictures them in her mind so she can have Bujang see it)
Bujang: Why can't go out if its wet?
Fern: Then mummy (me) might get a cold. (pictures me with a cold)
Bujang: (he is not too happy with it) Ok then. I don't want mummy to get a cold.
So now when it's raining out, he actually would relax and sit and not stare at my face intensely, willing me to walk him downstairs :)
I also told Fern to tell him to relax a little and he does not always need to be incharge. He is thinking about it although even to this day, he is still THE BOSS. I was also concerned that Bujang might feel left out since there are so many other cats living with us. Bujang said that he knows I have to give every one some attention and he realises that I may not have so much time to give him BUT if I pay him a little attention now and then, he would be a happier kitty! Fern said that Bujang is a nice and sweet cat with a very mature personality :) I think so too.

However, Fern says I need to give Bujang a job since he is so responsible so every morning I tell him his job is to take care of the house and every evening when I come home he gets a treat and if its not raining or dark , he gets to go out but only after he eats dinner. If not, he would not eat anything as he only thinks of going out. The other thng that would make him happy is for me to give him different types of food often! WHAT? I told Fern that he gets so many different types of brands of cat food already. Hahaha!
I am bored! B.O.R.E.D. I want to be a cool cat!
Tanaka has been behaving very well,even though he feels bored as he is not llowed to run after Ms Akira and Megat. To his credit, he tried very hard and has not pestered Ms Akira at all eversince last Thursday. He forgot about Megat once or twice but at least he was not as persistent as before in waiting for Megat behind chairs and tables so he could pounce on him.
We had to speak to him about a peeing problem. From January of this year, I smelled pee infront of my closet but we did not manage to catch the cat that did it. I changed and threw out a lot of my stuff as I thought that was where the smell emanated from as some of the stuff and boxes were old and falling apart. Then last week, one of us saw Tanaka peeing infront of the closet. He was caught RED-HANDED! So I placed the plastic spike mat, which is an anti-peeing cat guard in front of the closet and asked Fern to tell him to stop peeing and to go to the litter to do it. My cat Tanaka had this to say.
I am bored. I pee because I want to appear cool infront of the others.
When he was told the black spikes were not for him to pee on but to remind him to pee in the litter box, he said, "What?And then I would be BORED!' Fern told him that the smell would make me and the family unhappy and we have been so happy wth him now that he has stopped chasing the cats. He said that he would stop but he wanted some balls to play with. He has had many balls that he has lost but we are getting him some table-tennis balls later. Also grandma said she would try to make him some paper balls as they would be light enough for him to bat about as well :))
Just a note: Last Thursday 19/7, Fern, an animal communicator cam to my house to talk to my cats. I was concerned that Ms akira's over -grooming and Megat's aggression to the othe cats were making everyone a trifle stressed. It was an eye-opening experinece and now Ms akira and Megat are undergoing Reiki to balance their systems. We have been having some good results but those updates will be later, after I have posted the animal talk of all the 5 cats :)