This evening was rather warm. The weather people warned us about heavy showers but we only saw a slight drizzle yesterday. So this evening Her Royal Highness Minah found herself a cool spot among the lilies :)

But her appetite is still good I am glad to say. However, she is looking a little thin.

Putih LOVES the Tuna and Crab meat combo for Aristo Hu (I think of it as Aristo Cat and sometimes I ask for it that way to the confusion of the Pet Store people). So I have decided to give her this as if not she would eat very little. This way, I know she would always appear for dinner.

Aristo Hu Tuna and Crab Meat. Minah and Tiger love this too and so do Bujang and Totoro. Totoro is a surprise as he hates new food. Tanaka likes this but not too much. Tanaka likes a varied diet.

An empty dinner plate is a joy to see :)
A few people have been asking Cousin R why we feed the community cats Aristo Hu and sometimes Fussie Cat canned food and not just buy the cat food from the 7-11. They said that Aristo Hu or even Fussie Cat may be too expensive to buy for community cats. For one thing, I thought if I gave them the same brand, it would be easier for me and so I do not have so many brands in the store room. I think I should give the kitties the same food as I give the amigos as I am confident they won't get sick on it. Of cos Aristo Hu is not a premium brand but the amigos hate those brands and like this. (I also remember the great fiasco with Nutro and I can't help but wonder if that was why Toro has those calcium deposits in his kidneys)
Ms Akira would eat Fussie Cat or Aristo Hu and then she would throw up on them. The only canned food she could eat safely is BURP Salmon and Gravy. Period!
Since the amigos also have kibble to eat for the most part, I do not worry about them. But I think the community cats should eat enough to tide them for the night and if they have something they like and it is not too bad for them (and I can afford to buy it) then I should.
Thanks Nicole for alerting me to the brand. [Pls also see my addition about how my cats Akira fares on the them before you give them to your cats.]
I also buy them Fussie Cat and Putih likes Salmon and Tuna. The amigos only eat Salmon and Tuna also and won't eat anything else. I tried to give them something new, with the pic of a puma on it. But they won't eat it. I tried Fancy Feast. Bujang used to love them but now he doesn't like anything from fancy Feast and none of the other kitties eat Fancy Feast. The amigos eat Natural Balance on occasion and they are all on the Urinary Diet for their kibble.