Bujang was very angry at the vet. He growled several times at everyone after the vet took his temperature so we did not do the blood test nor did the vet manage to trim his nails. I did not think it was wise to antagonise him any further. He is healthy and his teeth are all okay. He is overweight! Oh dear! he is now 8.2kg!! I think THAT is massive for a cat, even though he is big-boned and well-muscled like Bujang.
Dr H took one look at Ms Akira and told me that she did not look as though she had any trouble. I told him that the problem was her abdomen and her legs! If you look at MS Akira from above, she looks glossy and her fur is soft but her abdomen tells another story!

Dr H gave her 0.25 injection of Depredil and told me to monitor her for about 2 weeks. If she over grooms less, this means she is allergic to the food and we would have to give her hypoallergenic kibble. He suspects that she is allergic to some thing in her food. He also gave us Clomicalm, an anti-depressant for her obsessive behaviour but we are KIVing that. Dr H said the anti-depressant would take about 3 weeks before we see anything. I have begun to allow Bujang to hang out with her at night since he is the only one she can tolerate and who does not harass her. I think it would be good for her to have another cat to hang out with, so whenever she hangs out, Bujang would be there too. the other boys are sequested in the bedroom, away from her so she can relax.

The only cal kitty at the vet was Tanaka. He was interested and did not flinch when the vet took his temperature :). He is 4.5 kg, which Dr L (who saw both the boys today) said was a very good weight - not underweight nor overweight, just the right weight :). He got his vaccination and had a little fever. He is now resting in bed. The only problem with him is that he has a lot of stool in his intestines! He really hates taking meds so I think it would be a problem giving him pumpkin.
All in all, everyone had a good result at the vet. In the case of Ms Akira, at least we are trying something. Maybe acupuncture is the way to go...hmmm