Monday, September 28, 2009
Amigos Monday
You can't trick me...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Look how you've grown Bujang!
Goodnight Sunday
Is it still sunday?
Sunday is full of afternoon quiet and naps for everyone in the house. It is very hot outside.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tales of the Kaypoh Cat
Friday, September 25, 2009
I can go!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday calm
THAT is what they should have been doing instead of coming here and disturbing the peace!
But what is not going on as normal is that on the 20th Oct, Dr L would not be in for Megat's vincristine and the nurses told me that Dr Sh has left the practice. *sigh* This can sometime be a very 'harrassing' practice although they are all very kind to the animals and the beans alike.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Pill Popper...
Toro is no longer vomitting from the antibiotics and it did stop spontaneously after 2 days :)
After HR we all ...
Selamat Hari Lebaran
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Oahhh the vomitting san...
So I cancelled our appointment as I do not want Toro to be so stressed out at the hospital unnecessarily. I think I will see how he does first. Anyway it is now raining very hard here and this would add to our stress as we have to travel some distance to Balestier. If he should continue to vomit, then I would have to bring him on Sunday, HR notwithstanding. It seems that Saturday would be busy at the hospital and its already full. I would be a walk-in. Aiyoh! I do not want to repeat my experience last Tuesday. I was not even a walk-in then!
September is Senior Cats Month
Also from Fanny Syufy : Provide a "Home Spa" for your senior kitty.
Imagine yourself living at a luxurious spa, where you'd receive regular manicures, facials, exercise, massage, and food designed to keep you fit. This is exactly the kind of treatment you'll want to give your senior cat, for both his physical and psychic well-being
My favourite:
Quality Together Time
Don't forget to give your senior cat plenty of petting and gentle massage. It will not only help him relax, but can help in preventing muscle atrophy cause by lack of exercise. And, of course, you'll want to spend as much quality time with him as possible in this stage of his life.
Aging is inevitable for all of us, but with loving care and close monitoring of your kitty's condition and his comfort level, you can both enjoy his golden years for many years to come.
Megat loves to be brushed and would ask for it many times during the day and night. He would also wait patiently for Toro to be brushed and when Toro is distracted, he would quickly cut in. Of course he has been smacked by Toro many times for this but he does not seem to care.
How to brush your cat's teeth...
I was reading the Fanny Syufy article Clean Your Cat's Teeth and thought it would be better to reproduce it here for my reference as I know I would need to read it several times over.
Dental health is every bit as important to cats as it is to humans. A regular program of teeth cleaning will ensure your cat will enjoy his senior years with all his teeth intact
Difficulty: Average (Hmmm..maybe for me not so average but not insurmountable)
Time Required: 5 minutes (plus 20 - first to persuade Toro that he can trust me, to get him to open his mouth long enough for the whole operation, to cope with his struggles as he is rather strong and can be stubborn)
Assemble supplies: sterile gauze, scissors, cat toothpaste (available at pet stores) or a weak sterile solution recommended by your veterinarian.
4. Once your cat will tolerate this procedure, you can graduate to a small child's toothbrush.
Give kitty a few loving pats and kind words, along with a little treat to polish off with his shiny clean teeth.
- You might want to experiment with flavored toothpaste for cats. There is a fish-flavored one that is quite tasty.
- If you start practicing examining your cats teeth at a very young age, this process will be much easier. See 'How To Gentle a Kitten' for suggestions.
- Bleeding of the gums is a sign your cat needs professional dental scaling by your veterinarian, so attend to that as soon as possible.
- What You Need:
Sterile gauze
Cat toothpaste / solution
Opt: small toothbrush
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I will survive :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Somebody..I have a blocked cat here...
He then prodded Toro abdomen. "His kidneys feel a little swollen..." He said that just because the kitty was squatting, it does not always mean bladder infection and he said Toro was a little older than his supposed years. Even young cats can get kidney trouble!
I had to help him and placed my finger on Toro's vein as there was no immediate help available. Toro did not like it and tried to squirm out (but just a little). Another vet came in to help - a Caucasian man (Dr TH) with an accent that I found a little difficult to understand. Dr L told me his name twice but I still can't figure it out. He asked me if Megat and Toro ever fought (No), whether Toro had been tested for FIV/Felv (No) whether Toro had trouble eating and drinking (No) but I founf out that Toro has some plaque(possibly something that I have to deal with later) Then he said the bladder felt a little thick and there is some urine still. he said that we might have to do a urine test but we will see what his hematology test show.
After what seemed a long time, the results show that Toro is fine and there is nothing wrong with him.
His indicators :
BUN 20 (10-30); his CRE 1.7 (0.3-2.1),
his ALB 3.9 (2.2- 4.4); his ALT 15 (20-100)
his GLU 116 (70-150)
his TP 6.8
Dr L then gave us antibiotics instead for 20 days Marbocyl, to be taken after food. I wanted to give Toro his pill after dinner but after he came home from the hospital, he just decided that he was not hungry and preferred to rest. So maybe I would give it to him later after his biscuits because he would be hungry later since he has not eaten anything from 3.00 pm.
I am very glad I listened to my instincts and brought him to the vet. I had changed my mind in the pm and thought maybe he should just rest and I could monitor him but at the last minute I changed my mind as I know I would regret it later.
With Megat, I didn't act on my instincts. Eventhough I knew there might be something wrong, when I felt the hardness against his abdomen, I listened to the vet when she said she could not feel anything hard. Then after 3 months I found out that he had lymphoma!! Once bitten twice shy!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Update on Toro and a small ps
We would like to thank everyone who had left us comforting notes and advice. They all helped us quite a lot.