Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday Thoughts
Bujang resting in the cool basket and looking at me taking his pic for today's post. I wonder what went on in his mind. He likes to sit here for the breeze but I am afraid that one day, the cradle will fall and what then? But until that day comes, I am always glad to see any one of them here.
Tuesday Notes
Its much cooler today san...
It was furry much better today. We had some rain and the we sat close to the open windows. Effurything was better. san told me she would write about the fight Bujang and I had. I dun fink its fair. Bujang is furry big and I am small. I am only 16 months you know. He is going to be 5 years old. I told san she should tell Bujang not to be so fierce but san said Bujang is the BOSS. Since when is he the BOSS offur me huh?
The Greatest Contender
David and Goliath
I can't help it...
I'm just sooo sleepy ...
After the little episode with Bujang, Tanaka decided that he needed some comfort. He looked for his faithful companion for some cuddles and fell asleep. Grandma said,"Look at that! We should all be so lucky. Put our heads on the pillow and fall asleep!" Grandma has been having a bout of insomnia and she felt a little jealous of Tanaka :)
Finally Tuesday
Bujang enjoying the cool evening....
The kitties and the beans had a good respite from the heat and humidity. It rained rather heavily this afternoon with some thunder. Grandma reported that the amigos ran helter-skelter when the thunder boomed. At least it will be cool for the rest of the evening and I hope, night.
Monday, April 27, 2009
My Say Monday
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Cheer
Bujang was a little wary of downstairs after many weeks of not going for walks...
But once out, he made a beeline for this old trolley...
Nothing like a good sniff to get the bones going...
He also walked among the plants and played hide and seek...
We did not stay long as he went into his carrier twice during this trip. Once when he heard an old man dragging his slippers and another, when a student ran past us. After he walked about for 30 minutes, he decided to go into his carrier and sat to rest. I took this to mean that he did not want to walk about much and so we went home. 30 minutes for a first time out after 3 weeks is good to begin with :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday meditations
Sunday afternoons seem very long san....
The neighbourhood is vry needs shaking up...
Saturday Night to Sunday Morning
Bujang has taken a shine to this seat and sleeps in it throughout the night. It is big enough to accomodate his size and the fleece keeps him warm. Now that we had positioned it in a different space, it does not rock and roll every time a kitty steps in. Although Toro and Tanaka have no trouble with the shaking and rolling, Bujang is not so brave. He prefers certain ground :)
Toro sleeps on his blanket all night although of course he wakes up to go to the loo. He has explored the whole room for a new place (now that Bujang has taken to sleeping in the seat) but decided that the bed is the best place for him.
Sunday Morning
All is pretty much the same in our house :)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday bytes
"Life is grand" award!
Ms Akira :Our friends tom_tama and sei_chan very kindly gave us our first award. YAY! Its called the "Life is Grand" Award. We are very happy and since there are five of us, we asked san to get our pikshurs and then follow the rules. The rules for accepting this award are simple:1. Give 5 reasons why you think life is grand.2. You hafta pass the award on to 5 more blogs. I dun fink san can send it to five cos she has not been good at keeping up wif our blog. But no fear. I am shure san will fink of somefing...
2. I have one bruffer that I love - Bujang. He is BOSS so he is furry powerful.
3. I dun have to share my room wif the boys.
4. I get to sleep with grandma on her bed.
5. I get to eat all the salmon wif gravy that I want. san buys it just fur me :)
2. I dun have to live in the dingy carpark wif the cockroaches anymore.
3. I have my own bed and food dish and cup fur water.
4. I can sleep all I want, anywhere I want.
2. I have fearsome nails that everyone is afraid of, even the vet
3. I get to boss everyone about
4. I get to go fur walks downstairs in my red harness
5. I have my own bed and can look out of the window every night
1. I get a nice haircut every three months so I dun get too hot and bothered
2. I get to run after Da Bird whenever I ask san fur it
3. I can persuade san to wake up furry early just by pawing and head-butting her face effury morning
4. I get my fur brushed effury night before I go to sleep
5. I get to sit in Bujang's bed in the morning and afternoon fur the breeze
1. I get to sleep on san's blanket effury night
2. I get to walk along the corridor wif my purple harness in the evening
3. I have many toys but I like my little ginger cat toy most of all
4. I can jump very high and catch Da Bird even before Toro gets it
5. I am furry handsome and many people tell me the same:)
We would like to pass this award to Spencer and Coco. We know you guys are furry busy though so dun sweat it :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sitting by the window
Sunday Watch
Bujang on high alert...
Tanaka: What is it Bujang? I don't see anyfing....
Bujang: Its only Sunday. We're the usual Sunday watch don't you know?
Tanaka: Err..yup. Why are we doing the Sunday watch?