Tanaka on his second day with us in Nov 2007...
When I brought the 2 tabby kittens home, Cousin R said they were rather small at 2 months. Tanaka was much bigger when he was 2 months or so it seemed :) Tanaka has grown up quite a lot and at 8 months, he is much bigger than Megat who is 12 years old! I think he is as big as Ms Akira although he is still in fear of her.
Some weeks ago I had an email from someone wh0o wanted to adopt Tanaka. I was quite surprised as I had informed the site that he alreday adopted by the amigos but I had thought that maybe it would be better if he lived somewhere where he did not have to share living space with 4 other cats! I figured no multi-cat person would ask to adopt another cat! Cat_aunty gave me some good advice about thinking what would be the best for Rocket Tanaka. I think I am terribly selfish but I think Tanaka would be better off with me and the amigos because we love him :)