Megat is now the one who sleeps on my lap at the computer these days as Ms Akira has become Queen of the Kitchen. He has quite comfortably taken over her place here as though he has always been here :) This is the vacuum effect taking place :)
Are you sure you can eat that Bujang? Be careful okie.
My friend M (the one who had rescued Toro before I adopted him) told me that she had just rescued a Chinchilla persian from the street. M is also a caregiver and so she freqently has to find homes for the cats that she rescues. She said when she found the cat, it was matted and thin. She has since taken care of it and is looking for someone who can take care of it. No one has come forward to claim her. GRRRR! The kitty is female with an even temperament and with a loving personality.
I told M that I am not able to take care of this kitty as I already have Rocket. I would if I could as I have always wanted to have a persian kitty but I don't think its wise of me to do something like that. So I smiled at M and told her sadly that I can't take the kitty in. :(
Then when I got home, I saw all my kitties sleeping on lazy Sunday. It warms my heart. So I hope someone would have a good home for this little kitty too.
Tanaka looking for opportunities for fun...
Rocket has been invited to join Dogster :) by Rascal. I was quite surprised but went to Rascal's page anyway. There were more than 1500 cats and dogs in that group. I had to decline on Rocket's behalf as I don't think I can keep up with the responsibilities that come with being Rocket's personal assistant there. There are journals to write and 1500 beans to meet. Its too much for one bean for sure :)
Sitting quietly on grandma's sofa...