Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Breaking camp
Watch the birdie
Time out
I wanted to rest for a bit before doing anything as I had a great horrid sunburn from walking 8km to the campsite under the sun! But as soon as I rested, Shaolin megat came to sit with me and decided that sitting on me was preferable to sitting beside me. I did not have the heart to push him away and so he sat, napped, yawned and slept on me for about 1.5 hours. Finally I had to push him off and of course he sat close to me for the other 30 minutes! He finally fell asleep by himself and I was able to get something to eat from the kitchen. But of course this did not last long :)
Changing of the guard?
The other kitties know that too so they would just sit about quietly. I think the only kitty that Megat will not be able to dominate over is Ms Akira. But then she knows her business and is not afraid of a mere male cat no matter what he does. :)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday snooze
Megat is also more manja this afternoon, insisting on sleeping on me the whole time, his claws digging in every time he felt himself slipping off. OUCH! I had to put him in his cage to sleep finally before my flesh is torn from my bones. :))
Sunday walk
Toro of course must always be where Bujang is and he got into his jacket and immediately walked out to bask in the morning breeze. He sat quietly watching the goings on until he heard the neighbours opening their doors. Then he simply scooted into the house while Bujang lay across the corridor, giving little thought to the fact that he is blocking the walkway. But the neighbours are used to him and he to them and so everyone got what they wanted easily and calmly. After that Toro went out again to take a nap outside until it was time to go in.
Akira did not like it so much and did not stay for very long. I did not try to put Megat in a harness although I think he would take to it very well as he is getting used to the rhythms of the house. Its just that he keeps running after everyone and scaring them into hiding. Bujang and Ms Akira give him a wide berth and Toro sometimes just ignores him.
Wild Bunch
Calico Mom now races to eat and just as quickly races into hiding. I do not know why this is. Usually she would stay for a bit, grooming before waddling back to the carpark. But as long as she is still racing and eating well, I do not think there is a need for worry. Little calico has come out of the carpark to eat dinner every night. She stays on the 3rd level of the carpark. This level is very clean and I do not think it is dangerous for her.
There are no more complaints about cats getting up to mischief these days. I guess the Chief of Mischief is in my house already. :))
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
When I released him, he came to sit with me at the computers and then he decided to take a walk. Before long, I heard a great MEOWRRROWWRRR. I ran out just in time to see Megat pawing furiously at Toro's face. I had a horrible vision of Toro losing his pretty blue eyes. Toro just stayed put and tried to put his face down to avoid the claws (that was cut just this afternoon). So I just yelled at them to stop and Megat immediately ran under the bed.
I inspected Toro's face and saw no injuries except his pride probably but of course there was grey fur all over the place! We had a quiet chat and I gave him some scritches and hugs and he quietened down for a bit. Then after I released Toro, Shaolin Megat came to sit by me. Irrepressible Toro came to peer at him quietly and then left.
I told Megat that I had no choice but to put him back in his cage as I had work to do and could not keep an eye on all of them.
Bujang was quite horrified and I could see his big round eyes staring at us in fear! Poor thing Bujang. But after about 15 minutes when he saw that all was calm, he calmed down enough to relax and closed his eyes. Ms Akira looked at us in her usual long-suffering way before settling in te middle of the living room to rest; her point made. :)
Right now, all is calm on the cat front and Megat has fallen asleep in his cage with his toy cat Garfield :)
That smells familiar
I guess it did take a whale of an effort for such a kitty to stay put and it was quite admirable that he could control himself thus. Of course the penalty for climbing onto the table when people are eating is - the black cage and lesser time roaming the house. I hope he remembers these lessons but its a very long haul.
Monday, January 22, 2007
I like computers too
Ms Akira was very surprised to see Megat on my lap at the computers tonight. She stopped in her tracks and watched him carefully but did not try to beat him at all. When she saw that he had no intention of getting off, she left to find alternate roosting sites.
I think he may be a lap cat in his other life. He is also getting fat and eating his renal diet steadily. But he still does not like it as much as he does his Natural Balance. So I have to mix the 2 diets together. Only then will he eat what he is supposed to. He does eat it dry though but I read that it is not wise to feed old cats only dry biscuits as it may lead to urinary tract problems. pictures
It looks like Toro and Megat are on the way to some kind of friendship. I hope it will develop into something nice like what Bujang and ms Akira have between them :))
Cleanliness is next to catliness
Toro decided to be the first one to test run it. He scratched the bottom of the bin and then decided to lie in it for size. :) After some time he actually wanted to jump Bujang but wisely changed his mind :)
Now we have 3 bins for four cats. This bin costs me $18.00. Its the largest one of its brand and even Bujang can use it quite comfortably. Today when I got home from work to clean the bins, I notice that they were all rather clean. I guess the amigos have decided who will use what bin and at what time :) I don't want it to come to a point that someone will decide to make a point and leave poo on my rug, or leave me poo to teach me a lesson. :)
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Nostalgia on a saturday

My cats were adopted and saved from the streets, from alleyways (a tabby Megat Komeng, a ginger Bujang I and a ticked tabby Kundang) and yes..even from the University of Singapore ( Cik Siti, a siamese with bright, blue eyes with a persecution complex).
So now that I live in a flat way up in the sky, I thought having one cat would make me feel less stressed and ultimately a happer person :). So one rainy afternoon, I picked up Bujang II from a drain in a school. He was a small little thing, scratching and clawing his way with 3 very docile siblings. He was the only Tuxedo among them. His siblings were all black. I thought I should bring him home as he may not be likeable enough for anyone else to adopt. The other 3 were adopted quite quickly.
Now Bujang II looks like...

Although THIS is not what Ms Akira looks like. However, THIS is Ms Akira's attitude to a T, to everyone she meets.
He created a great deal of chaos and havoc. Namely because he was toilet-trained and I didn't know his toilet habits. Neither did M. I spent sleepless night trying to catch him at his toilet but was never successful. The next day I would always have to clean after him as he had done his business in the carrier. I had placed him in a very big and spacious carrier so I was not worried that he would be cramped for space. I failed to teach him to use the bin and had written my worries in this very blog. I am grateful that many readers came to my rescue with good tips, even to his name Totoro, which I must thank ksn for :)
He was not vaccinated, he had fur mites and ear mites and he was terrified of Bujang and Ms Akira. Of course now, he wrestles Bujang to the ground and tries to intimidate Ms Akira at every turn. It was Bujang who taught him to use the bin and Ms Akira who taught him to show respect to his elders :)
I must say Toro is my very laid-back cat who wants to be a mechanic and who likes to watch TV. He also arranges the cat fountain and has a sense of aesthetics when it comes to toys and cat stuff :) He is insatiably curious and likes to be in the know about anything and everything.
Grandma named him Megat but he has since been named Shaolin Megat for his kung-fu prowess and his perchant for boxing the other kitties. After a great deal of re-education on how to be a more sociable being, Megat is now no longer as angry and aggressive as before. He minds his own business, he sits quietly and does his toilette in the bin. He grooms himself day and night every chance he gets.
I discovered he simply loves company, but only the company of grandma and myself and would sit long hours beside me while I eat, have tea, read a book, fall asleep and watch TV.
Only some of the time when I catch Megat trying to de-fur Toro :) Then he would be put back in is cage to rest and relax. Patience is the key to many things.
So although I may desire that the amigos love and like each other like ...