Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Two's company but three's family


Picasa keeps surprising me with it's own peekaboo game.

New experiences

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
In the tall grass

Bujang wanted to go to the park earlier than usual so as the day was fine, we went out at about 6. There was also a Chinese funeral going on so I avoided that path to the park. Who knows what they would think if they saw us. Once we were at the park and some people who were at another funeral pointed at us. I guess they wanted us to be away from the proceedings. This time I was a little wiser and there was no such incident.There were only 2 groups of football-crazed boys and they were kicking the ball at the wall and at each other when we arrived. Uncertain, Bujang hid under the ixora save for his head. Later when it was quieter, he decided to go into the tall grass to explore and saw a purple flying insect. He tried to take a closer look but the insect was far smarter and flew away. :)

First steps

Cleanliness is next to catliness

Monday, May 29, 2006
Bujang my cat

After dinner shenanigans

Bujang on the other hand, is on the prowl for a treat after dinner. He climbed onto the table where his treats were and began to look for Grandma Lucy's treats, with both eyes looking out for me :)
Feeling impatient, he decided to yell "I want it now pleaseeeeooowwwrrrrr."

Singapore sale for cats

Sunday, May 28, 2006
Olde Time band

Since there was no one at home to watch the amigos, I had to lock the boys in the room and put Akira in her night cage. But I was gone for only an hour and when I came home, the boys were on the bed pretending to sleep and Akira was telling me to let her out :)

Saturday, May 27, 2006
Enough already!
Please can we play now?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Agent 007

She said she just wanted to see where I lived as she had some time after feeding the cats. I told her it is good that she remembered where I lived so it would be easy to ask for me in case something happened to the cats. We chatted some more about the sombong calico that ate only one small portion of the boiled rice and fish and also about how people leave chicken bones for the black cat who sometimes comes to the carpark.
I don't know why people think it's safe for cats to eat chicken bones!!The can choke and die on it. The aunty told me she asked the foreign workers to help her clear the chicken bones if they should find them. The foreign workers are also fond of the cats as I sometimes see them clearing spilled cat food in the morning when I go to work and I have never seen them scare any of the community cats at all.
She parted asfter asking me if I had eaten dinner and when she found out that I was just going home to eat dinner, she shooed me back to the house [as though I was one of the cats :))] and wished me good night. :)

The New Game in town

Bujang's favourite new activity, after hiding from Big Boss Toro is sitting by the ixora and watching the boys playing football. Of course I have to do the same since the light is usually fading by the time he decides to indulge in this new game and I would be quite unable to read my book (that I bring with me to help me through the sometimes long interludes of inactivity)

Here Bujang is trying to practise the 'hunting the prey' skills that he has acquired from his favourite game - Da Bird.

It's quite funny for me to see that the only game in town are a few legs walking past him. Hahaha. But Bujang seems quite unperturbed and continues the watch.

The Big Sleep
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
My New Blogskin

I thought this blogskin would make me happy. I didn't know there were so many about until I actually stumbled on them. But this template does not have View My Profile and since I am an idiot at html, I don't know how to design it. I don't know if I will miss seeing it on my page or whether it would disconcert people. I don't even know if the comments work even :)) Evenso, I think I will keep it for a while until I find something I truly like...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
An interlude in the evening

Then at 7, the time when we had to go home before it got too dark, he decided that he would investigate what went on at the amphitheatre, where the boys had played football before. So we went to see and ...well...if alien beings were to find our remains, they would know just how we live, amongst litter. ...sigh...but Bujang did not find this fact at all disturbing and decided he would indeed like to rest among empty packages of green peas. :)

The Red and White Play

Of course like ksn and zeus said, he may have accepted Toro as Top Cat and therefore he allows Toro to play first. My only hope is one way or the other, the amigos have decided who the Top Cat is so life would go on without fights. :) Toro also eats the biscuits first and alot of it. I have to find some way to make sure that he only eats his share as a fat cat may look cute but not for his health.
If indeed Toro is Top cat, he has come a long way from being bullied before. Maybe that is why he is now the Top as he knows how to get his way much better :) Congratulations then Toro for finding your way home :)
Quiet Saturday musings
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Saga continues

I think something must have happened to Toro before he came to live here. He shows such a great desire for attention. He must always be the centre of any activity that happens in the house. He must be the first to get to the kitchen, the first to get the toy, the first one I have to greet at the door. This afternoon when I got home, I greeted him as usual and scratched his head and called his name. Then Bujang ambled towards the door and tried to walk pass him. In a split second, he took one big bite out of Bujang's flank! WOAH! I am quite proud of Bujang - that he did not retaliate but instead gave Toro a quiet stare and walked off. He is always calling for something. There must be something I can do about this I'm sure but I'm not sure what.
Rumour has it that Bujang had once groomed Toro - some time in the last two weeks. I only knew this yesterday. It's a pity I was not there to take a picture. But he has yet to repeat this performance. Maybe it was just wishful thinking although the two of them have started to do the friendly sniffs. Akira is still not on friendly terms with Toro but she is quite tolerant of his presence. He is as usual trying to get on her case :))
Or maybe I am just thinking too much about it. Maybe some cats are more needy than other cats.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Congratulations boys...

I spent 1 hour yesterday cleaning up all the litter boxes and sifting litter into the new box. I thought I should at least try to save some of the litter in the old box and add it into the new box. This would not only save me money and litter, it would also allow the boys to recognise the old smell so the transition would not be so painful. So I did all this and then I waited...and waited ...and waited. They came and sat in the sink, on the toilet seat, lolled about on the mat but they paid absolutely no attention to the new litter box. ARGHHHH!
To be fair they had also largely ignored the box when it was in the living room after making certain it would not hurt them in any way :)
After 4 hours, the boys had still not figured out that they had a new litter box and none had actually gone to the toilet. I had to think quickly and decided that they needed some obvious pushing. So I took the trusty Da Bird and played with everyone. I lured them all into trying to catch the lure in the litter box. First Toro, then Akira and finally Bujang. I thought I had to convince Bujang first and once he was convinced, the rest would be easy - they would just follow Bujang's lead, which they did. Whew!
Once Bujang felt the litter under his feet, he realised that the white box was just full of litter and he went to pee, with his head stuck out of the U, watching out for an ambush. Admittedly when he was sitting in it, he could not see what was going on outside, which made him a trifle nervous. Then after 10 minutes or so, Toro used it. Akira has yet to make any move to use it but she prefers the one in the kitchen anyway, where the boy's old litter box now is. There is less chance of being ambushed there. I have kept her litter box (also the biggest in the pet stores) away in storage.
The good thing is, there is less litter outside the box, the boys can dig however much they want and not much litter would fly out from the sides, they could turn around and bury their business comfortably. The old litter box (the biggest from many pet stores) did not allow them to do any of this.
The two litter boxes are of different brands - the biggest of their brand (or so the pet store people tell me)
The bad thing is, I have to stretch out more when cleaning the rather bulky box.
But I think this is a small price to pay for comfort (for the boys) and less flying litter (for me) to clean. :))

Monday, May 15, 2006
The Big Sunday Sleep

Bujang spent close to 4 hours in this basket. He woke up, yawned, looked around and went back to sleep and the cycle repeats itself. I finally managed to entice him down with a sliver of bream. Sigh..there goes the diet. You can see how much he loves this basket by the wear and tear as evidenced by the joints, close to the yellow feather. One of these days, it will fall apart.

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