I brought Bujang for his one hour walk about 6.30 pm this evening. He was quite pleased with the walk and grass and the fact that he could stalk just about any moving thing in the grass. He even sat under a bougainvillea bush just to watch people passing by. He can see them but they were all too oblivious of him under the bush. :)) I got bitten by a few mossies and had to encourage him to go home. When his highness finally deigned to go, I got him in the carrier and quickly pushed him away from the park and the mossies. We met the old lady who feeds the community cats around the area. She saw Bujang and asked me if he was one of the community cats. I told her that I had picked him up from school. She warned me earnestly never to throw out my cat as so many cats die from accidents. Even though I assured her that THAT was not something I would do, she was quite upset and told me people had thrown out their cats before and she had seen many die. :(( We then chatted about the cats at the void deck and she told me that the calico cat was very fierce and had never allowed her to touch her. So she didn't believe me when I said the calico has a sweet nature and she is always trying to get me to scratch her chin and chat. I wonder why the cat has 2 different personalities. Maybe its because I chat and talk with her every time I see her on my way home from work or after my evening walks with Bujang or possibly the wet food I give her . :)) Bujang and Akira are already asleep after trying to kill each other over a blanket. The rascals.!