Saturday, May 03, 2008

Sleeping cat

Its too hot...

But there is a nice cool breeze through the window...



  1. Wow look at those fleshy paws and long claws!!!! Look like a grizzly bear!!!!!

  2. Yup his claws are generally bigger than more tough than the rest. They're harder to cut too although he does not protest too much but can only cut at least 2 a day. I think maybe he was living the hard life for many years and he needed his claws for protection...or else he didn't have the vitamins,food and grooming to keep them dainty..hahaha

  3. His paw pads are now much plumper than before. It was flat and hard before due to all that walking and dirt. Now its smooth and fleshy lah. he is living an easier life with us. :)
