Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cat Tree

I got this cat gym from CompassPt at Sengkang from Pet Junction. I saw this tree from ksn's blog and asked her where to get it. It reaches almost to the ceiling and the amigos love sitting on the tiers to catch the breeze and of cos just sleeping in the basket. It fell apart once as Bujang is a heavy cat and his favourite roosting place is the basket. It shocked him and horrified me.So I had to reinforce it with pieces of plywood. If you see what is inside the hidey-hole, its one of the pieces of plywood I used. I had to reinforce or rather prop up the column that holds the basket with 2 pieces of plywood. I also had to tie the columns to the grill with cable ties so its stable. :) It has lasted me for a long time and I hope with constant reinforcement, it would last us for a long time yet.


  1. That cat tree id nice! In front of the window is the best!! I would like the breezes too especially in summer :)
    Purrs Mickey

  2. Thanks for the tip.

  3. I was just thinking that to prevent the pouch from sagging when Bujang sleeps on it will be to secure the far side of the pouch with a couple of strings to the top of the pole it is attached to. And to stabilise that pole, counter by linking that pole to another parallel pole.

    Bujang is big boned and the pouch would not last long if he continues to sleep on it. I have similar problem with one of the ledges in my cage. I secure it with a twine so that they can rest peacefully on it when we clean the house.

  4. dear kxbc

    Yup. I think I will take up the ideas of securing the basket with some rope to the column, although all the boys apart from megat would worry it to bits :) megat does not have the teeth to worry anything at all. It is nice of you to say Bujang is big-boned. The vet says "Your cat is fat!" :) However he has lost some weight after the groomer and nail incident.

  5. I am not saying that to be nice lah. :) Bujang is big bone.

    My Kim Kim is fat. And flabbly. Stomach touching the floor when she sits. Her tummy is like a small bowling ball. :)

    Use twine to tie. Tough and hard to bite through. My girls never played with the twine in the cage.

  6. Totoro waiting for his turn huh
