Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all catmoms and peoplemoms

Grandma ate her Mother's Day cake and told me its not bad. Grandma does not like cakes as a rule. She prefers curry puff but there is no heart-shaped curry puffs that I can see :)) Here's hoping that all cat moms, especially Bujang's mom is well. Thank-you cat_aunty for the wish :)


  1. That is a beautiful cake. I think I would prefer curry puffs too! Yum.

  2. Please tell your Grandma that I'll be happy to eat any and all cake for her. Happy Mothers' Day!

  3. Polar curry puffs are the best! But damn expensive nowadays. :)

  4. meemsnyc, are you furrypaws in Clubsnap?
