Saturday, April 05, 2008

Mending well...

Stop it already. Its okie now...

Bujang was quite nonchalant when I took pics of his paw. He just looked at me curiously and did not protest when I touched his paw. I took this as a good sign as he must not be in any pain if he allowed me to even go near his paw. :) I was rather anxious as a reader told me he might have infection due to litter and had since made sure his all the bins have fresh litter everyday as bacteria on a hurt paw is bad news. I had visions of him losing that one digit!

His paw 2 days after the 7 day period...

This one freaked me the most...the gaping skin was horrifying to see. However Bujang was more than able to use his foot.


His paw looks cleaner and more pink...

None of the blackened flesh in sight. It is well into pink....
I must thank everyone who gave me advice on what to do with the paw. I have not seen the vet about it as he was not in pain but I know cats can feel a lot of pain and still be quite nonchalant about it. I have not even put any powder but have decided to use the same cleaning lotion that I had put on Cal. Cal's wounds (from car exhaust pipes) recovered in about 1 week and in 2 weeks the skin closed up. So I thought if it worked on Cal, it should work on Bujang and it did. It took 2 days for the blackened flesh to have pale shades of pink and now even his nail is clear. It used to be black before, just like his flesh. Today he actually jumped up to catch Da Bird which convinced me that his paw was on the mend :)
Next time he would go to the vet to get his nails trimmed. Period.


  1. Glad to hear that Bujang's claw is in the mend. It is a scary thing when you don't know what is causing your kitty pain. Hope everything is okay now.

  2. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sorry to cause you concern that the infection could be from the litter.
    Before the infection, I had just changed to a new clamping litter and my cat got this clay-like stuff between toes. It worried me when i noticed my cat's toe looked infected. The nail bed looked like a black crater with yellow pus inside and swollen red skin all around! The vet cleaned it and gave a cream antibotics & the toe cleared up quickly.
    I changed litter too - the new litter does not stay on the paws and i put a damp towel next to the box - hopefully toes get a wipe when the cat gets off box.
    Glad to hear Bujang's toe is perfect again.
