Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Family on Sunday

Good afternoon...this is what we do on Sundays...

We sit around all day. I hang out with my bruffers quite a lot. They don't ask me to go away so that makes them good bruffers cos I am little and they are big. Fur sure they know many things that a little kitty needs to know. But they sit around and stare at nuffing all day. Maybe that is what kitties do. I will try to be a good bruffer myself.

Here I am, staring at nuffing. But I do it in style :) san has given us all new collars. She said we have to have some red in our collars fur good luck, prosperity and lots of biscuits and treaties. I like the black collar that cat-aunty gave me on Chris Mouse but san says its Chinese New Year already and fur me to move wif the times. My bell is big and rings loudly. I dun like it as I cannot surprise anyone especially Sisfur Akira and Bruffer Megat. But san says its good fur everyone to know where I am in case I get lost. :) See! There are many things fur a little kitty to learn...sigh...

All this is making me thirsty. I like water from this CATIT. It runs and makes little noises. I can drink all by myself now. There is no water in my night house cos san is afraid I spill it and wet my fur all night. But its okie. I get to drink all day if I want to as now I only sleep in there at night.


  1. Rocket: Got a trick you might be able to use. You move real careful, don't shake that bell much, if any. You should be able to get really close to someone. Then you shake your head really hard, and that'll ring that bell really loud. Do that to everyone for a few days, and odds are they'll take that bell off of you for they're own peace of mind.

  2. Tanaka, you are lucky to have San and the Amigos with you.

    He is almost as tall as Bujang now.
