Monday, February 21, 2011

It might be working...

Usual suspect #1
Unusual suspect #2

Tonight Toro and Tanaka chased after each other for about 20 minutes non-stop - in and out and in and out of the bedroom to the living room, up the table and from behind walls. Since the only thing that I had given Toro were the meds from petsalive - Kidney Support, UTI Free and Immunity and Liver Support, I have to conclude that they were instrumental in making Toro behave like the kitty he once was.

He has been on the vet meds for about 7 months, been through countless blood tests, one iPTH test and 2 USs and he did not behave like he did tonight. I know I may be jumping the gun and he may not get any better. My hope is that he does not get any worse but I can't help but be glad that he was racing about tonight. Really Glad.

I can only attribute it to the new supplements I had given him.


  1. mylittlebuddies9:10 AM

    Hoorays for Toro! :D

  2. If it works, it's good. Seeing them chase each other in play fight is always good, esp for a sick kitty.
