Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Hari Raya 2010

Our new collars came a few days before Hari Raya... so the amigos all had their Hari Raya collars on Friday morning before our guests came by...
A nice emerald one for Megat, who spent the day just sitting about...
Toro had a brilliant sapphire to match his eyes and fur. He was very good and was quite relaxed for the whole day. He did not greet any guest but he was calm and did not run about in the room nor did he hide out like last year.
Ms Akira inspected the bathroom closely just in case any guest wanted to use it.
Bujang was not very sociable but spent the day in our room, watching out for any guest who might stray.
But the one who actually did all the work was actually Mr Sociable Tanaka who greeted all our guests politely. He purred his way into their good graces and took photographs with the guests. He was the perfect kitty to have in any situation :)


  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Such a good cat...did he get any green packets from your guests?? ;o)

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Lovely bling collars.
